December 2024 Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine
Nov 30, 2024 12:00AM ● By Jordan Peschek

Jordan Peschek, RN-BSN, Publisher
Ever wonder why we tend to notice the negative things more than the positive? It’s simple: because the good things are everywhere! In the busyness of life, it’s easy to let those good moments fade into the background, overshadowed by louder or more challenging events.
This is where the power of perspective comes in. Duality exists in every experience, offering us a choice to focus on what uplifts and nourishes us. A single moment can hold both positive and negative elements, and it’s our focus that determines what shines through. For instance, instead of dwelling on the cost of a wellness service, we can see the invaluable health benefits it brings and the generosity in supporting a provider’s passion and livelihood. When we embrace this as an exchange of positive energy, we align ourselves with gratitude and abundance.
Even everyday frustrations, like sitting in traffic, reveal this duality. While delays may test our patience, they might also mean we’ve been saved from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And amidst the honking horns, we can pause to appreciate the privilege of having a car to carry us to where we need to go. Choosing to see these moments in a positive light transforms stress into gratitude.As we near the end of the year, I’m reminded of how much light and beauty surround us in small, everyday moments—a smile exchanged, the warmth of a cozy home, the kindness of a stranger, the holiday lights sparkling against the dark winter sky.
This month at Natural Awakenings, we invite you to refocus on the abundant goodness in the world and bring those moments into sharper view. From insights on mindfulness and health practices to creating deeper connections within your community, these pages are filled with inspiration for embracing positivity and letting it grow. Perhaps this is the time to try something new: sign up for an uplifting wellness retreat, try a new activity, book a massage or bake a new recipe for healthier holiday cookies.
As this season reminds us of giving, receiving, and reconnecting, I hope you’ll join me in celebrating the small joys and big blessings that make this time of year so meaningful.
Together, let’s embrace the good that is not only everywhere—but within us all.