Soul Collective MKE
Jan 01, 2022 12:00AM ● By Natural Awakenings Milwaukee
900 S. 5th St, #101, Milwaukee
[email protected]
414-436-3296 •
Services and Products Offered: Fitness and wellness classes with an emphasis on movement. Personal training and group classes include strength and conditioning, gymnastics style, natural movement, yoga, Pilates and more. A variety of merchandise is also available from local makers and purveyors such as jewelry, candles, apparel and CBD products.
Areas of Specialty: Soul Collective MKE strives to ensure that everyone has a basic fundamental background of strength training. Each member is empowered to know how to train properly and effectively. From there, each member is supported to explore what they like in other areas of fitness.
Philosophy: We focus on a holistic lifestyle approach. We want to come together as a community of people who love to move! Fitness and well-being are never “one size fits all”, so we want to give people options and purpose to find what they like and stick to it to create longevity through movement. Movement is medicine!
[email protected]
414-436-3296 •
Services and Products Offered: Fitness and wellness classes with an emphasis on movement. Personal training and group classes include strength and conditioning, gymnastics style, natural movement, yoga, Pilates and more. A variety of merchandise is also available from local makers and purveyors such as jewelry, candles, apparel and CBD products.
Areas of Specialty: Soul Collective MKE strives to ensure that everyone has a basic fundamental background of strength training. Each member is empowered to know how to train properly and effectively. From there, each member is supported to explore what they like in other areas of fitness.
Philosophy: We focus on a holistic lifestyle approach. We want to come together as a community of people who love to move! Fitness and well-being are never “one size fits all”, so we want to give people options and purpose to find what they like and stick to it to create longevity through movement. Movement is medicine!