January 2023 Publisher Letter
Jan 01, 2023 12:00AM ● By Jordan Peschek
Jordan Peschek, Publisher
“Can you imagine experiencing the world as a great sandbox given for us to play in like we did as children? As we play, we can open ourselves up to the exploration of our edges, always creating new adventures of self-exploration as we let go of old, outdated beliefs about ourselves.”
~ Judith-Annette Milburn
I suppose a reference to a snow pile is more appropriate than a sandbox in January, but the real meaning of Milburn’s words are felt either way.
A fresh new year: It is an exciting time—albeit a bit frigid—to reflect and reminisce, and to remember that we can always find room for a little adventure and joy in our lives. We can always learn something new and let go of something old.
As we age, we may have more wrinkles by the sides of our smile and crinkles by our eyes, and we may have aches and pains and things that drain our battery. But we are so lucky to be alive! To have smiled enough times that those lines showed up in the first place. To be connected to other beautiful souls. To give, share and receive. To play. To have a childlike heart that never needs to grow old, so long as we let it stay young.
What is your 2023 going to be like?
What do you want to do or to be, to have or to see?
What will make you look back one year from now and say, “This has been a wonderful year. I’m so glad ….” The answer will look different for everyone, but it usually involves some elements that help us to:
- feel healthy and vibrant
- have fun and experience the joy of life, and
- look beyond ourselves in order to carry out our life’s purpose
We hope that you find inspiration to empower your 2023 within the pages of Natural Awakenings Magazine Milwaukee edition and on our website, NaturalMKE.com.
On behalf of all of us at Natural Awakenings and at KnoWEwell, our proud new partner, we wish you a truly Happy New Year.
Jordan Peschek, RN, Publisher