Garden Visioning
Feb 01, 2022 12:00AM ● By Tiffany Hinton
Vision boards have been used for a few decades to visualize goals and manifest. The movie and book ‘The Secret’ specifically interviewed several individuals who utilized the concept of seeing what they want to manifest repetitively or even daily and then had the item realized in their life.
Forbes reports, "The vision board is the simplest way to capture your vision and strategy at a glance. Some people use it for personal matters, others only for business strategy and product development. “
In the new world of the abnormal, where gardening, growing your own food and sustainability are increasing in popularity, the concept of a vision board can be utilized to visualize your garden. They can help to put images of vegetables, flowers, gardening tools, landscapes and even greenhouses in view daily. This new garden vision board can help with envisioning the space and design for the summer garden, and it can help increase awareness and identification of plant varieties which can help when purchasing plants at the local garden center.
The vision board can be laid out for visual appeal or structured to mirror the layout of your garden space in rows or frames to replicate the raised beds of the garden space.
How to Begin

Look for a large poster board or even reuse a box from a recent Amazon delivery. Gather old seed catalogs, new seed catalogs, weekly mailers from local hardware stores, or look online at Pinterest or Etsy for pictures and ideas.
Cut out images that excite your interest or call to your soul. Cut out images of vegetables that are appealing and that you are interested in growing, such as food you enjoy eating. Utilizing glue or tape, place the images on the poster board. Take the time to expand your gardening knowledge and learn the names of plants that are new to you.
Some Things to Consider:
- Adding words or categories can be helpful such as herbs, root plants and flowers. Handwriting these words is also helpful. The use of handwriting brings cognitive benefits, and this can be handy when learning new plant varieties or the Latin spelling.
- Keep the garden vision board handy. Visualization is a powerful mind exercise. You can utilize the board to look at when you look up from your laptop or screen while working. Perhaps add the garden vision board to your office space for ease of view or bedroom to see the images as you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. A quote from the book The Secret states, “The law of attraction is that you become what you think about.” It recommends holding images of what you want in your mind, which helps you improve your focus and attention, therefore increasing the odds of achieving it."
- Feel free to add additional images to the garden board. You may find a new variety of a cucumbers you would like to grow or see a greenhouse while scrolling through Instagram that would be perfect in your growing space. Take a screenshot and have it printed to add to your visual garden board.
The power of visualization has been known to not only help people achieve their goals, but it has also been shown to reduce stress. As Muhammad Ali’s famous quote says, “If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it - then I can achieve it.” Make gardening more achievable this year and begin with a garden vision board.
Article courtesy of Tiffany Hinton, GF Mom Certified. Connect with Tiffany online at @gfmomcertified and listen to Tiffany's podcast Cultivating Guts on spotify or iTunes.
Visit for online gardening classes or to schedule a consultation with Tiffany to plan your 2022 garden.