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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Product Spotlight Submissions

A product spotlight is 100-250 words.

This spotlight concentrates on a product or service that will benefit our readers. Please include its uses and benefits, the source of ingredients (where applicable), and why they are superior to similar products. Quotations are acceptable, subject to editing.

Below we’ve supplied a series of questions for you to answer, our writers will create your editorial piece based on your answers. You can write as much as you like (and we encourage you to do so, the more you include, the more our writers have to work with and the better your piece will be), but we will be limiting your piece to 100 to 250 words after editing. All fields are required. If a field does not pertain to your submission, simply type Not Applicable in that field.

All submissions will be edited for Natural Awakenings Milwaukee style. We supply a fact-check and contact info proof before publication. All editorial is free of charge and is a very important support piece included in our advertiser’s marketing plans.
